Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dog is God

OK, it has been over a year since I have posted to this blog, but last night I had the most interesting dream, so have to decided to write about it here--if anyone is interested.

I often dream about being back in school, struggling to finish some business left undone--this dream was no different. I was in a HS/College situation, taking classes with a group of friends. I noticed that some of us seemed to be doing really well, while others were not succeeding at all.

We were all sitting around discussing this. Suddenly a "breeder," some sort of archangel, appeared before us. She asked if anyone had any idea why some students did well, while others did not.

We stared at her blankly. She asked Finn, a yellow Lab, to walk out. Everyone recognized him as the dog who was always in our classroom giving everyone love and support. She asked for a show of hands: "who loves this dog?"

The raised hands, were, not surprisingly, the students who were doing well.

"You see," she said, "if you are spiritually aware enough to know that you should love this dog, you will do well. He will love you, care for you, and support you."

She left.

I had a yellow Lab named Butter sitting at my side. I knew I loved him as much as I loved the yellow dog Finn.

The angel came back and asked: "do you know that Butter is Finn's son?"

I said I did not.

This information surprised and awed me--and gave me a lot of hope for the future.

Although I have fun describing dreams, I am not sure if they make much sense!